
Economic Development Strategy

In July 2022, the Santa Rosa County Economic Development Office (Santa Rosa EDO) retained Garner Economics, LLC to update the economic development strategy for Santa Rosa County, Florida. In 2017, Garner Economics conducted the County’s first comprehensive assessment of the area’s economic development competitiveness and service delivery. This resulted in a road map to enhance economic development efforts detailed in an action plan published in 2018. Five years after the original report, Garner Economics was asked by the County to refresh and recalibrate this economic development action plan.

LEADING THROUGH ACTION: AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA, provides renewed focus on asset development, marketing, and organizational changes Santa Rosa County and its economic development partners should take to keep the County on a trajectory of success. This plan will help the County attract and retain businesses, create jobs, and nurture opportunities to attract talent.


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